
86. Gupta, S., Blake, A.J. and Riffell, J.A., 2023. Mosquito biology: Scents and selectability. Current Biology, 33(12), pp.R686-R688.
85. Lahondère, C., Vinauger, C., Liaw, J.E., Tobin, K.K., Joiner, J.M. and Riffell, J.A., 2023. Effect of temperature on mosquito olfaction. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 63, 356–367,
84. Coles, T.A., Briggs, A.M., Hambly, M.G., Céspedes, N., Fellows, A.M., Kaylor, H.L., Adams, A.D., Van Susteren, G., Bentil, R.E., Robert, M.A. and Riffell, J.A., Lewis, E.E., and Luckhart, S. 2023. Ingested histamine and serotonin interact to alter Anopheles stephensi feeding and flight behavior and infection with Plasmodium parasites. Frontiers in Physiology, 14.83.
83. San Alberto, D.A., Rusch, C. and Riffell, J.A. 2023. Conducting an Analysis of Mosquito Flight Behaviors in a Wind Tunnel. Cold Spring Harbor protocols. doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot108257
82. Vinauger, C. and Riffell, J.A. 2023. Tethered Preparation for the Analysis of Mosquito visual-motor responses using modular visual displays. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot108179
81. Wolff, G.H., Lahondère, C., Vinauger, C., Rylance, E. and Riffell, J.A., 2023. Neuromodulation and differential learning across mosquito species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(1990), p.20222118.
80. Briggs, A.M., Hambly, M.G., Simão-Gurge, R.M., Garrison, S.M., Khaku, Z., Van Susteren, G., Lewis, E.E., Riffell, J.A. and Luckhart, S., 2022. Anopheles stephensi Feeding, Flight Behavior, and Infection With Malaria Parasites are Altered by Ingestion of Serotonin. Frontiers in Physiology, 13, pp. 1036-1045.
79. Gupta, S., and J. A. Riffell. “Chapter 30: Sensory neurophysiology and integration in mosquitoes.” In Sensory ecology of disease vectors, pp. 773-799. Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2022.
78. Alonso San Alberto, D., Rusch, C., Zhan, Y., Straw, A.D., Montell, C. and Riffell, J.A., 2022. The olfactory gating of visual preferences to human skin and visible spectra in mosquitoes. Nature communications, 13(1), pp.1-14.
77. Santana, S.E., Kaliszewska, Z.A., Leiser-Miller, L.B., Lauterbur, M.E., Arbour, J.H., Dávalos, L.M. and Riffell, J.A., 2021. Fruit odorants mediate co-specialization in a multispecies plant–animal mutualism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288(1956), p.20210312.
76. Rodriguez, A.M., Hambly, M.G., Jandu, S., Simão-Gurge, R., Lowder, C., Lewis, E.E., Riffell, J.A. and Luckhart, S., 2021. Histamine Ingestion by Anopheles stephensi Alters Important Vector Transmission Behaviors and Infection Success with Diverse Plasmodium Species. Biomolecules, 11(5), p.719.
75. Coutinho-Abreu, I. V., Riffell, J.A., Akbari, O.S. 2021. Human attractive cues and mosquito host-seeking behavior. Trends in Parasitology.
74. Rusch, C., San Alberto, D. A., & Riffell, J. A. 2021. Visuo-motor feedback modulates neural activities in the medulla of the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(14), pp.3192-3203.
73. Riffell, J. A. 2021. The neuroecology of insect-plant interactions: The importance of physiological state and sensory integration. Current Opinion in Insect Science.
72. Zhan, Y., San Alberto, D.A., Rusch, C., Riffell, J.A. and Montell, C., 2021. Elimination of vision-guided target attraction in Aedes aegypti using CRISPR. Current Biology.
71. Leiser-Miller, L.B., Kaliszewska, Z.A., Lauterbur, M.E., Mann, B., Riffell, J.A. and Santana, S.E., 2020. A fruitful endeavor: scent cues and echolocation behavior used by Carollia castanea to find fruit. Integrative Organismal Biology, 2(1), p.obaa007.
70. Lutz, E.K., Ha, K.T. and Riffell, J.A., 2020. Distinct navigation behaviors in Aedes, Anopheles and Culex mosquito larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223(7).
69. Lahondère, C., Vinauger, C., Okubo, R.P., Wolff, G.H., Chan, J.K., Akbari, O.S. and Riffell, J.A., 2020. The olfactory basis of orchid pollination by mosquitoes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 708-716.
68. Melo, N., Wolff, G.H., Costa-da-Silva, A.L., Arribas, R., Triana, M.F., Gugger, M., Riffell, J.A., DeGennaro, M. and Stensmyr, M.C., 2019. Geosmin attracts Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to oviposition sites. Current Biology, 30(1), pp.127-134.
67. Riffell, J.A., 2019. Olfaction: Repellents that congest the mosquito nose. Current Biology, 29(21), pp.R1124-R1126.
66. Chittka, L., Giurfa, M. and Riffell, J.A., 2019. The Mechanisms of Insect Cognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, p.2751.
65. Lutz, E.K., Grewal, T.S., and Riffell, J.A. 2019. Computational and experimental insights into the chemosensory navigation of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 286, 1-10. .
64. Vinauger, C., Van Breugel, F., Locke, L., Tobin, K., Dickinson, M., Fairhall, A., Akbari, O. and Riffell, J.A., 2019. Visual-olfactory integration in the human disease vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Current Biology, 29, 2509–2516
63. Shyong, J.*, Lutz, E.*, Bui, M., Yang, T., Li, M., Truong, K., Arvidson, R., Buchman, A., Riffell, J.A., and Akbari, O.S. Live calcium imaging of odor-evoked responses in Aedes aegypti neuronal tissues reveals distinct olfactory responses in larva. BMC Neuroscience, 20: 27-35.
62. Delahunt, C., Riffell, J. A., and Kutz, N. 2018. Biological mechanisms for learning: A computational model of olfactory learning in the Manduca sexta moth. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 12: 1-20.
61. Wang, T., Clifford, M., Martínez-Gómez, J., Johnson, J., Riffell, J.A., and Di Stilio, V. Scent Matters: Repeated loss of insect attraction by floral scent accompanies transitions to wind pollination. Annals of Botany
60. Wolff, G.H., and Riffell, J.A. 2018. Olfaction, experience and neural mechanisms underlying mosquito host preference. Journal of Experimental Biology, 221(4), jeb157131.
59. Fenske, M.P., Nguyen, L.P., Horn, E.K., Riffell, J.A., and Imaizumi, T. 2018. Circadian clocks of both plants and pollinators influence flower seeking behavior of the pollinator hawkmoth Manduca sexta. Scientific reports, 8(1), 2842.
58. Pang, R., van Breugel, F., Dickinson, M.H., Riffell, J.A., and Fairhall, A. 2018. History dependence in insect flight decisions during odor tracking. PLoS Computational Biology 14(2): e1005969.
57. Vinauger, C., Lahondere, C., Wolff, G.H., Locke, L.T., Liaw, J.E., Parrish, J.Z., Ackbari, O.S., Dickinson, M.H., and Riffell, J.A. 2018. Modulation of host learning in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Current Biology 28(3): 333-344. [Featured in: New York Times, BBC, The Guardian, NPR, CBS, NBC, CNN, Science Daily,, UW Daily, others: “If you swat mosquitoes, they may learn to avoid your scent”]
56. Blazka, D., Sanders, E., Riffell, J.A., and Shlizerman, E. 2017. Classification of fixed point network dynamics from multiple node timeseries data. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics,
55. Zhao, Y., Chan, J., Lopez-Hilfiker, F.D., Riffell, J.A., and Thornton, J.A. 2017. An electrospray chemical ionization source for real-time measurement of atmospheric organic and inorganic compounds. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10: 3609-3625.
54. Rusch, C., Roth, E., Vinauger, C., and Riffell, J.A. 2017. Honeybees in a virtual reality environment learn unique combinations of colour and shape. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 3478-3487.
53. Lutz, E.K., Lahondere, C., Vinauger, C., and Riffell, J.A. 2017. Olfactory learning and chemical ecology of olfaction in disease vector mosquitoes: A life history perspective. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 20, 75–83.
52. Riffell, J.A. 2017. Plant defense: Timing is everything. Current Biology, 27, R344– R346.
51. Hussain, Y.H., Sadilek, M., Salad, S., Zimmer, R.K. and Riffell, J.A. 2017. Individual female differences in chemoattractant production change the scale of sea urchin gamete interactions. Developmental Biology, 422, 186–197.
50. Riffell, J.A., and Rowe, A.H. 2016. Neuroecology: Neural Mechanisms of Sensory and Motor Processes that Mediate Ecologically Relevant Behaviors. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56: 853-856.
49. Vinauger, C., Lahondère, C., Cohuet, A., Lazzari, C.R., and Riffell, J.A. 2016. Learning and Memory in Disease Vector Insects. Trends in Parasitology,
48. Ho, W.W., and Riffell, J.A. 2016. The Olfactory Neuroecology of Herbivory, Hostplant Selection and Plant–Pollinator Interactions. Integrative and Comparative Biology,
47. Rusch, C., Broadhead, G.T., Raguso, R.A., and Riffell, J.A. 2016. Olfaction in context–sources of nuance in plant-pollinator communication. Current Opinion in Insect Science,
46. Hussain, Y.H., Guasto, J.S., Zimmer, R.K., Stocker, R. and Riffell, J.A. 2016. Sperm chemotaxis promotes individual fertilization success in sea urchins. Journal of Experimental Biology, pp.jeb-134924.
45. Lundin, J., Riffell, J.A., and Wasser, S.K. 2015. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in caribou, moose, and wolf scat samples from three areas of the Alberta oil sands. Environmental Pollution, 206: 527–534.
44. Reisenman, C. E., and Riffell, J.A. The neural bases of host plant selection in herbivorous insects in a Neuroecology framework. Frontiers in Physiology, 6.
43. van Breugal, F., Riffell, J.A., Fairhall, A., and Dickinson, M. H. 2015. Mosquitoes Use Vision to Associate Odor Plumes with Thermal Targets. Current Biology, 25: 2123-2129
42. Fenske, M.P., Hazelton, K.D., Hempton, A.K., Shim, J.S., Riffell, J.A., and Imaizumi, T. 2015. The circadian clock gene LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL directly regulates the timing of floral scent emission in Petunia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA; 131:9775-9780.
41. Riffell, J.A., Shlizerman, E., Sanders, E. Abrell, L., Medina, B. Hinterwirth, A.J., Kutz, J.N. 2014. Flower discrimination by pollinators in a dynamic chemical environment. Science, 344:1515-1518. [Featured in: Science Perspectives, New York Times, BBC, NPR National, CBS, NBC, CNN, Science Daily,, UW Daily, others: “Fumes Keep Moths From Finding Flowers”]
40. Riffell, J.A. and Hildebrand J.G. 2014. Insect olfactory filters in mediating natural, ecologically relevant behaviors. Insect Neuroethology, ed. E. Warrant.
39. Shlizerman, E., Riffell, J.A., and Kutz, J.N. 2014. Data-driven inference of network connectivity for modeling the dynamics of neural codes in the insect antennal lobe. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2014.00070.
38. Vinauger, C., Lutz, E.K., Riffell, J.A. 2014. Olfactory learning and memory in the disease vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Journal of Experimental Biology. 217, 2321-2330.
37. Byers, K.J.R.P., Bradshaw, H.D., Riffell, J.A. 2014. Three floral volatiles contribute to differential pollinator attraction in monkeyflowers (Mimulus). Journal of Experimental Biology. 217: 614-623.
36. Byers, K.J., Vela, J., Riffell, J.A., Bradshaw, H.D. 2014. Floral volatile alleles can contribute to pollinator‐mediated reproductive isolation in monkeyflowers (Mimulus). The Plant Journal. 80, 1031-1042.
35. Riffell, J.A., Lei, H., Abrell, A., Hildebrand, J.G. 2013. Neural basis of a pollinator’s buffet: olfactory specialization and learning in Manduca sexta. Science 339: 200-204 [Recommended by Faculty of 1000; featured in: e!Science News, Science Daily,, others: “Moths wired two ways”]
34. Riffell, J.A. 2013. Neuroethology: Lemon-fresh scent makes flies lay eggs. Current Biology, 23, R1108-R1110.
33. Sprayberry, J.D.H., Ritter, K.A.,Riffell, J.A. 2013. The effect of olfactory exposure to non-insecticidal agrochemicals on bumblebee foraging behavior. PLoS ONE 8(10): e76273. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076273
32. Martin, J.P., Lei, H., Riffell, J.A., Hildebrand, J.G. 2013. Enhanced synchrony of antennal-lobe projection neurons encodes the behaviorally effective ratio of sex-pheromone components in male Manduca sexta. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 199: 963-979.
31. Riffell, J.A. and Alarcon, R. 2013. Multimodal floral signals and moth foraging decisions. PLoS-ONE 8(8): e72809. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072809.
30. Clifford, M.R., Riffell, J.A. 2013. Mixture and odorant processing in the olfactory systems of Insects: a comparative perspective. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 199:911-928. doi: 10.1007/s00359-013-0818-6
29. Fricke, E.C., Simon, M.J., Reagan, K.M., Haak, D.C., Levey, D.J., Riffell, J.A., and Tewksbury, J.J. 2013. When condition trumps location: seed consumption by fruit-eating birds removes pathogens and predator attractants. Ecology Letters 16:1031-1036.
28. Riffell, J.A., Reisenman, C.A., Hicks, M. 2013. Chemical ecology and olfactory preferences of ovipositing Manduca sexta moths. Journal of Chemical Ecology 39:76-89. doi: 10.1007/s10886-012-0228-1
27. Byers, K.J., Sanders, E., Riffell, J.A. 2013. Identification of olfactory volatiles using gas chromatography-multi-unit recordings (GCMR) in the insect antennal lobe. Journal of Visualized Experiments e4381, doi:10.3791/4381.
26. Dacks, A.M., Riffell, J.A., Martin, J.P., Gage, S.L., Nighorn, A. 2012. Olfactory modulation by dopamine in the context of aversive learning. Journal of Neurophysiology 108: 539-550. [cover article]
25. Riffell, J.A. 2012. Olfactory ecology and the processing of complex mixtures. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 22: 236-242,
24. Martin, J.P., Beyerlein, A., Dacks, A.M., Reisenman, C.E., Riffell, J.A., Lei, H., Hildebrand, J.G. 2011. The neurobiology of insect olfaction: Sensory processing in a comparative context. Progress in Neurobiology, 95: 427-447.
23. Agrawal, S., and Riffell, J.A. 2011. Behavioral neurobiology: the bitter life of male flies. Current Biology, 21, R470-R472.
22. Riffell, J.A.. 2011. The neuroecology of a pollinator’s buffet: olfactory preferences and learning in insect pollinators. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 51: 781- 793.
21. Riffell, J.A.* and Zimmer, R.K. 2011. Extrinsic mechanisms driving sperm-egg interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 108: 13200-13205. *authors contributed equally
20. Riffell, J.A.*, Veitinger, T.*, Zimmer, R.K., Hatt, H., Spehr, M. 2011. Chemosensory Ca2+ fingerprints define diverse behavioral phenotypes in human sperm. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286: 17311-17325. *authors contributed equally
19. Himes, J., Riffell, J.A., Zimmer, C.A., Zimmer, R.K. 2011. Sperm chemotaxis as revealed with live and synthetic eggs. Biological Bulletin, 220: 1-5.
18. Alarcón, R.A., Riffell, J.A., Davidowitz, G., Bronstein, J.L., and Hildebrand J.G. 2010. Sex-dependent variation in the floral preferences of a hawkmoth (Manduca sexta). Animal Behavior, 80: 289-296.
17. Reisenman, C.E., Riffell, J.A., Bernays, E., and Hildebrand, J.G. 2010. Floral odor signals and context-dependent behaviors in female Manduca sexta moths. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277: 2371-2379.
16. Lei, H., Oland, L., Riffell, J.A., Beyerlein, A., and Hildebrand, J.G. 2010. Microcircuits in the Manduca sexta antennal lobe. In Handbook of brain microcircuits, eds Shepherd, G. and Grillner, S. Oxford University Press.
15. Riffell, J.A., Lei, H., and Hildebrand J.G. 2009. Neural correlates of behavior in the moth Manduca sexta in response to complex odors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 106: 19219-19226.
14. Reisenman, C.E., Riffell, J.A., and Hildebrand J.G. 2009. Neuroethology of oviposition behavior in the moth Manduca sexta. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1170: 462-470.
13. Krug, P.J., Riffell J.A., and Zimmer R.K. 2009. Dynamics of sperm attractant production and release from an abalone egg. Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 1092-1100.
12. Lei, H., Riffell, J.A., Gage, S.L., and Hildebrand J.G. 2009. Contrast enhancement of stimulus intermittency in a primary olfactory network and its behavioral significance. Journal of Biology 8:2,21: 1-16.
11. Riffell, J.A., Lei, H., Christensen T.C., and Hildebrand J.G. 2009. Characterization and coding of complex olfactory stimuli. Current Biology 19: 335-340.
10. Riffell, J.A., Alarcón, R., Abrell, L., Davidowitz, G., Bronstein, J.L., and Hildebrand J.G. 2008. Behavioral consequences of innate preferences and olfactory learning in hawkmoth-flower interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 105: 3404-3409.
9. Riffell, J.A., Abrell, L., and Hildebrand J.G. 2008. Physical processes and real-time chemical measurement of the insect olfactory environment. Journal of Chemical Ecology 34: 837-853.
8. Riffell, J.A. and Hildebrand J.G. 2008. Preface to the special issue on Olfactory Ecology. Journal of Chemical Ecology 34: 820-821.
7. Riffell, J.A., Alarcón, R., and Abrell, L. 2008. Floral trait associations in hawkmoth- specialized and mixed pollination systems: Datura wrightii and Agave spp. in the Sonoran Desert. Communicative & Integrative Biology 1: 6-8.
6. Riffell, J.A. and Zimmer R.K. 2007. Sex and flow: the consequences of fluid shear for sperm–egg interactions. Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 3644-3660.
5. Spehr, M., Schwahn, K., Riffell, J.A., Zimmer, R.K., and Hatt H. 2006. Odorant receptors and olfactory-like signaling mechanisms in mammalian sperm. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 250(1-2): 128-136.
4. Spehr, M., Schwahn, K., Riffell, J.A., Barbour, J., Zimmer, R.K., Neauhaus, E.M., and Hatt H. 2004. Olfactory receptor-mediated chemotaxis in human sperm: key role of particulate adenylate cyclase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279(40): 40194-40203.
3. Riffell, J.A., Krug P.J., and Zimmer R.K. 2004. The ecological and evolutionary consequences of sperm chemoattraction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 101(13): 4501-4506.
2. Spehr, M., Gusselman G., Poplawski, A., Riffell J.A., Zimmer R.K., and Hatt H. 2003. A novel testicular odor receptor controls human sperm chemotaxis. Science 299: 2054-2058.
1. Riffell, J.A., Krug P.J., and Zimmer R.K. 2002. Fertilization in the sea: The chemical identity of an abalone sperm attractant. Journal of Experimental Biology 205: 1439-1450.